填寫話 Fill in Words

  • App : 填寫話 Fill in Words for iOS,Android
  • 版本 : 2.8.2
  • 年齡分級 : 4+
  • 開發人員 : Havos | App 支援

填寫話 Fill in Words iOS版下載

填寫話 Fill in Words Android版下載

填寫話 Fill in Words介紹

填寫話 Fill in Words你學英語嗎?或者,也許法文,俄文或其他外語嗎?你可以玩這個遊戲,遊戲將幫助你在你的語言學習。這是好玩的,和你學習的同時。遊戲中有一個模式為語言學習者。這種模式隻使用最流行的詞匯。本場比賽是尋找隱藏的話。你會發現他們後,您可以查看您自己的語言中的單詞的定義!您可以將遊戲設置為更困難,因為你提高你的詞匯量的大小。
在網格中找到的話。 如果有困難,有一個遊戲援助。
您可以選擇應用程序的語言的單詞列表,通過合適的詞典下載到你的SD卡 詞典是英語,西班牙語,葡萄牙語,俄語,阿拉伯語,法語,德語,意大利語,印尼語,保加利亞語,克羅地亞語,捷克語,丹麥語,希臘語,匈牙利語,波蘭語,羅馬尼亞語,塞爾維亞語(拉丁),塞爾維亞(西裡爾文),斯洛伐克,斯洛文尼亞,瑞典,土耳其,烏克蘭和以後

English Version:
Are you learning English? Or maybe French, Russian or another foreign language? You can play this game; and the game will help you in your language learning. It is fun to play; and you learn at the same time. The game has a mode for language learners. This mode uses only the most popular words. The game is about finding hidden words. After you find them, you can view the definition of the word in your own language! You can set the game to be more difficult as you improve the size of your vocabulary.
The words to find in the grid are provided. There is a game aid if there are difficulties.
Play with an English word list or choose one of 25 other languages.
You can choose the language of the application's word list, by downloading the appropriate dictionary onto your SD card. Dictionaries available are English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Polish, Norwegian, Romanian, Serbian(Latin), Serbian(Cyrillic), Slovak, Slovene, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian and more coming later.

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